Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Look who is on the dishwasher!!
Had to document it before it never happens again...
Evan loves to carry the carrot out to Peanuts. He shares with her too!

Evan loves to pet Peanuts. She is so good with him too.

Evan's word of the week is Horse. It comes out like hhh-or-se. It's pretty cute. On Sunday he was sitting in his chair eating and turned around to glance at the bathroom window. He often does this to look for Peanuts the horse. Only this time he said "Horse". Dan and I looked at each other as if to say 'did he just say that?' He didn't stop. He continued to say it. We got him out of the chair and while Dan was holding him he continued to say horse. So Dan took Evan outside to see Peanuts. She wasn't cooperating too well, but Evan kept persisting with Horse! All week he has said Horse and Roll-ee of course. It's pretty cute. Whenever we get home he looks at the horse stall and says horse.
Evan's other new word is mom. :) Yaa!! He actually says mmmommma! He holds his m's. Once again his cutness has won me over. :)

Evan's vocabulary currently consists of...Daddy, ball, wawer (water), bir (bird), nana (banana), Roll-ee( rolly the dog), horse and mommma
Of course he only says the words when he wants to say the words, but he is pretty regular with DADDY, Roll-ee and Horse!
