Wow! Evan is already 2 months! He is so fun. He has been cooing a ton and holds his head up pretty well too! We recently had his 2 month check up . He is now 12 lbs. 9 oz. and 23 1/2 inches long. The doctor also looked at his mouth and told me that he will probably get his first tooth before 6 months. hmmm.... I don't know what to think of that. His daddy got his first tooth at 2 months!
Evan is also in cloth diapers now. Not only are they super soft, they are also pretty fashionable. He has such a cute bum in them. :) They are called Bum Genius. They are pretty easy to use and more economical in the long run.
As always there are more new pics of the little man on our
picasa web album.