Our newest addition Baby Shannon is here! She was born July 4th at 7:54am. She weighed 7lbs. 1 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. She is so sweet and we love her dearly! Evan is loving his baby sister! We are so thankful! We are enjoying our sweet children!
The Nielsen Family
Friday, July 16, 2010
Baby Shannon!
Our newest addition Baby Shannon is here! She was born July 4th at 7:54am. She weighed 7lbs. 1 oz. and was 20 1/4 inches long. She is so sweet and we love her dearly! Evan is loving his baby sister! We are so thankful! We are enjoying our sweet children!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
It's been far to long!
I can't believe how time has flown!! Evan has gotten so big so fast! He is our cute little boy that is learning so much so fast! He never seems to stop amazing us with his words! He is also very cute with his soon to be baby sister! He gives my tummy kisses and says hi to her often. We are eagerly anticipating her arrival July 5th. We look forward to becoming a family of four! I will update soon with new pictures of the two kids. :)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Evan's on the Move!
It's hard to believe that it's been a month since I last updated the blog! A lot has been going on! At the end of Aug./beginning of September Grandpa Bill went to the hospital and needed a new Aortic Valve. Needless to say we have been going back and forth between Brea and the San Diego/Oceanside area a lot this month. Grandpa has needed lots of get well hugs and smiles from Evan! They are very therapeutic. :) Bill is doing remarkable! We praise God for his goodness! We are so thankful for all of our friends and family that have helped out, encouraged and most importantly prayed for us! We are so thankful for all of you!
Evan has been very busy too! None of this has slowed him down. He has been learning how to walk whereever he is. At the hospital he was pushing around chairs and at home he was pushing around his truck! He has recently figured out how to balance without either! It has been fun to watch him 'toddle' around! It seemed like it would be a long time before I had a toddler! His speach is constantly developing. It seems that his favorite thing is still Horse! He loves his animal sounds and the animals too! He makes fun sounds when he loves something he's eating and smiles a ton! We are continually blessed by this little guy! Evan is going to get a hair cut soon, so I will post the pictures and video as soon as it all goes down!
I just updated the web album too!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Summer Fun!
Having fun in the water!
This summer is flying by and we have had so many fun things going on! Evan is also growing and learning so much each day. We have finally edited the birthday video so that I can post a few little clips of Evan and his cake. I forgot to post his stats from his one year check up too! Evan was 31 inches tall and 19 lbs. 4.5 oz. The doctor told me that I could not turn Evan's car seat around until he is 20 lbs. and that may not be until he is 14 months! He showed me Evan's weight chart. Evan is doing really well. He is healthy, tall for his age and his vocabulary is advanced. The doctor was very impressed with him. First word out of Evan's mouth was horse. Shocker!
Evan's current favorite words: Horse, Mom-mom, Mama (for daddy or mommy :) ), yes, noi, noi noi (no no no), no, mmmmm (moo for the cow), woof (for dog), Nyan (Ryan), bloon or boon (balloon), bir (bird), more, wawer (water), ba (ball), baa baa (the sheep says...), onk (the pig says oink), emo(elmo), O's (the name of his favorite cereal), nana (banana), blewbr (blueberries), wamen (watermelon), whas tha (what's that? he'll point at an object)
Last Wednesday Evan took his first 3 independent steps to Dan. Super fun. He hadn't taken any other steps until today when he took 2 steps to Auntie Michelle. He's getting it here and there. We'll see if he's walking by the time we leave for Maui! (Sept. 18th)
Evan is also waving to everyone coming and going. Mostly if he thinks you are leaving. He also points and laughs at people thanks to Grandpa R. They do it to each other, but Evan does it to everyone passing by. It makes for good times in the grocery store. :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Evan is 1!!
It is hard to believe that our little guys is already 1 year old! This year has flown by! We have enjoyed every day of every month with him. Evan is not quite walking on his own yet, but will walk along furniture and if he is holding your fingers. He is a quick little crawler! He loves to eat! He loves bananas, blueberries, watermelon, sweet potatoes, carrots, chicken, fish, garlic, yogurt, o's and a ton of other stuff! He loves to look at books! He loves the horse!! He says "Horse" hundreds of times a day! He can moo for the cow and woof for a dog. He can say wawer and sign water too! He says fis and signs fish too! He says boon for balloon and now points at things and says whats that! He amazes us constantly! He truely has been a blessing from the Lord! We love and adore this little man.
I will post more on his stats today. We are going to the Dr. for his 1 year check up this afternoon. I will also try to post more birthday party pictures when I get them.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Family Fun Friday's
A lot has been happening with the little man this past month... one thing has remained the same...HORSE! Horse is still Evan's favorite word! He says it all the time and loves to visit the horses throughout the day!
Evan also says mom-mom or momma a ton. He says it in his super cute little voice too! We are loving the little guy more and more and just adore him!
Dan has recently been required to take every other Friday off of work, so we are having Family Fun Friday's! We recently went bike riding at Irvine Park and downtown Long Beach (on the Sat.). Last Friday we celebrated Cow Appreciation Day and dressed up like cows. We got 3 free meals at Chick-fil-a, Breakfast, lunch and dinner. :) We did not pay for much on Friday. :)Who says we are to old to make our own fun. Dan and I laughed a ton on Friday.
On Friday we also went to the Wild Animal Park. We saw the cutest little baby Elephant. Evan called them Horses! Silly Kid!
Evan is trying to walk around with help too!
On the 4th of July we went to the Brea Country Fair. We entered Evan in the Republican Women's Beautiful Baby contest. Evan took 1st place in the 9-12 month olds. Evan thought that it would be fun to eat the trophy! Here is the link to the article in the local paper.
I also just updated the pictures on picasa.
Evan also says mom-mom or momma a ton. He says it in his super cute little voice too! We are loving the little guy more and more and just adore him!
Dan has recently been required to take every other Friday off of work, so we are having Family Fun Friday's! We recently went bike riding at Irvine Park and downtown Long Beach (on the Sat.). Last Friday we celebrated Cow Appreciation Day and dressed up like cows. We got 3 free meals at Chick-fil-a, Breakfast, lunch and dinner. :) We did not pay for much on Friday. :)Who says we are to old to make our own fun. Dan and I laughed a ton on Friday.
On Friday we also went to the Wild Animal Park. We saw the cutest little baby Elephant. Evan called them Horses! Silly Kid!
Evan is trying to walk around with help too!
On the 4th of July we went to the Brea Country Fair. We entered Evan in the Republican Women's Beautiful Baby contest. Evan took 1st place in the 9-12 month olds. Evan thought that it would be fun to eat the trophy! Here is the link to the article in the local paper.
I also just updated the pictures on picasa.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Evan's word of the week is Horse. It comes out like hhh-or-se. It's pretty cute. On Sunday he was sitting in his chair eating and turned around to glance at the bathroom window. He often does this to look for Peanuts the horse. Only this time he said "Horse". Dan and I looked at each other as if to say 'did he just say that?' He didn't stop. He continued to say it. We got him out of the chair and while Dan was holding him he continued to say horse. So Dan took Evan outside to see Peanuts. She wasn't cooperating too well, but Evan kept persisting with Horse! All week he has said Horse and Roll-ee of course. It's pretty cute. Whenever we get home he looks at the horse stall and says horse.
Evan's other new word is mom. :) Yaa!! He actually says mmmommma! He holds his m's. Once again his cutness has won me over. :)
Evan's vocabulary currently consists of...Daddy, ball, wawer (water), bir (bird), nana (banana), Roll-ee( rolly the dog), horse and mommma
Of course he only says the words when he wants to say the words, but he is pretty regular with DADDY, Roll-ee and Horse!
Evan's other new word is mom. :) Yaa!! He actually says mmmommma! He holds his m's. Once again his cutness has won me over. :)
Evan's vocabulary currently consists of...Daddy, ball, wawer (water), bir (bird), nana (banana), Roll-ee( rolly the dog), horse and mommma
Of course he only says the words when he wants to say the words, but he is pretty regular with DADDY, Roll-ee and Horse!
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